Monday, September 5, 2011

Some stuff.

I had a cool stream the other day. I believe we hit 84 live viewers at some point. It was while I was streaming Starcraft 2. It was probably more like 90-something, but I honestly cannot remember. I know it was at least 84 at some point, so thats what I'm going with. I have no idea why, but for some reason, I can't feel like those viewers were legit. I feel like someone just tab spammed the stream. Of all those viewers I swear that maybe 5 of them had accounts. So that is why I feel like those were non legit views. I have heard that tab spamming doesn't work on, so that made me hopeful.

Might I add that I wrote this all on an iPad. I don't recommend it. I got very frustrated while trying to use its joke of a keyboard as a replacement for a real keyboard. I don't know if you can type well on this, but I freaking cannot. I kept missing the spacebar and it really angered me. You can't use your thumbs in portrait mode and you can use all your fingers in landscape mode.


Finally, my first day of 9th grade is tomorrow.
Wish me luck as a freshmen!
(I was in my high school last year. My districts weird. :D)

'Night people.

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