I'm tired.
It has been (obviously, by the title,) a long day. First, percussion camp. Then, get home, sit for 5 minutes, shower, go back to the high school for Fast Start (get schedule, check out locker, take photo, band stuff), go home, eat dinner, come back to school for Speech Bake Sale (fundraiser for Speech stuff), get home at 8:30, hop on computer, stream a while after getting on, end stream around 11 PM, write this post, and then go do something. Probably read and then go to bed. So, that occupied my time from like 11 AM - 11 PM. Yup.
You know what would be nice?
Knowing people read this stuff.
I know I just began, but I'd appreciate people reading it, checking daily. I post almost-daily. Some days, multiple posts, some days, none.
So, if you don't mind, if you could share this somehow, post a link to Facebook, Twitter, send it to your friends over email, however, that would be really nice.
Here I am, blogging my heart out,
and there you are, only reading the beginning, noticing this is a long post, and stopping reading, before you even read this.
And for those of you who have made it this far,
thank you.
And for those of you who just realized that you really don't care about this,
I'm sorry,
I'll try to become slightly more interesting when posting.
Now, I'm off, off of the computer, to go read (perhaps finish?) my summer reading.
Yeah, I'm that far behind.
Funny thing, trying to take school slightly more seriously this year.
But that's a topic for another time.
Okay, bye people.